The Role of Promotional Products in Start-Ups
Promotional products could be one of the most simple and effective ways to promote your start-up. They are inexpensive, loved by consumers and greatly customisable with products available to suit your every need, niche or target audience. As a result, they have can have a fantastic rate of return and give you the initial boost you need to set you on track to achieving your goals.

Unlike other forms of advertising (TV, radio or print), branded merchandise can engage all of the viewers/users senses. Turning an everyday marketing message into an interactive advertising experience. You can make use of your customers likes and dislikes and target them in ways that your competitors couldn’t even dream of. For example, you could make use of your customers sweet tooth by using branded gummy bears or other promotional sweets to guarantee that they remember your brand fondly!
Customised products make recipients a part of the advertising experience. By using the products that you give them, they inadvertently become advertisers of your brand. Proudly showing off your logo on a branded t-shirt, mug or pen for example. On top of all this, they get rewarded for doing so. By ordering quality products which will be of great use to the recipient, you demonstrate that as a company you care about those you interact with.
Why not explore the various research available on promotional products and make sure that you don’t overlook their awesome capabilities? Various associations and organisations have shown that logo printed products are often kept for many months, used often and have an amazing reach when compared to their small investment.
Every start up should be using branded items in their marketing campaigns. They can be used to achieve a key objective for many new businesses. To build a brand. People need to remember who you are and what you offer, nothing does this better than a quality print of your snazzy logo on the side of a cherished and useful product.
How many people will become aware of my brand?
Good question, although it is a difficult one to answer with an exact figure. It might help to think about it in terms of your products reach. Whilst ordering 500 branded mugs would mean that you can only give them away to 500 people, think about how many more people would see your logo if the mug was sitting on the recipients desk 24 hours a day. I think we could easily multiply that initial number by at least 4. Meaning you could have over 2000 people taking a quick look at your logo. This is why promotional product campaigns can be so effective, they are easy to scale (because of the small initial investment required) and results can sometimes be seen many months after the campaign has ended.
If you’re in the process of creating your start up or trying to establish your new business, stepping up your marketing efforts and trying something new is a must. From the second you have your logo created, you want people seeing it.
Below are just some of the benefits of using personalised items to promote your start-up.

All eyes on you
You want the most amount of people seeing your logo for the least amount of money. Some advertising mediums that allow you to reach a mass audience will set you back an alarming amount. We get that a start-up just wont have the budget to realistically make use of these channels. That is why promo items are a great alternative! For a brilliantly low price per unit you can get hundreds or even thousands of people talking about your brand. When planned right and done well, this can work for all businesses, whether you operate locally, nationally or globally.
What they say about your business
A company is only as good as its products and services. The same rings true when thinking about your advertising. You wouldn’t publish a website which highlights all your shortcomings and doesn’t address any of your unique selling points. So why would you hand out cheap, low quality products or even have them lying around your office? Quality merchandising items don’t have to break the bank. They will however demonstrate some of your business values. They can exude a sense of sophistication, quality and care. What business owner wouldn't want that?
Can be partnered with your other campaigns
As I am sure you are aware, when it comes to creating, growing and maintaining a brand, consistency is everything. The products we offer you here at allbranded can be the foundation or supporting parts of your advertising campaigns. As long as you keep your brand colours, images and messages in mind they will work with other advertising mediums to achieve your goals.
A brilliant example of this would be by making use of the QR code technology available. Why not print a QR code alongside your logo on a t-shirt and increase your website traffic in addition to your online advertising campaigns?
Classic advertising method
If you want to be a big player in your industry, you should not put all of your eggs in one basket. You need to be attracting new clients and leads from all possible angles. It is no longer enough to run an advert across a popular magazine and expect customers to come flooding. Consumers see adverts everywhere and the more places they see your logo (especially if it where 10 times a day as a result of your promotional items sitting on their desk!), the more likely they are to buy from you.
Branded products are the perfect way to begin advertising your start-up. They can be simple, inexpensive and customers love them. As a new business, you need to let people know about your brand and what you stand for. Nothing does this better than a quality product that who ever you give it to will cherish and use day in day out. Check out the allbranded online store to find yours today!
We wish you best of all luck for you new business!