Essentials for a Successful Launch Event
Planning an effective launch event is vital to the success of your new business, product or service. It creates an initial buzz about your offering which can initially boost sales and get people talking about your brand. Do it right and attendees will be helping create your success for months after, do it wrong and you could end up investing valuable time and resources into an event that gets forgotten about the very next day.
Planning an effective launch event is vital to the success of your new business, product or service. It creates an initial buzz about your offering which can initially boost sales and get people talking about your brand. Do it right and attendees will be helping create your success for months after, do it wrong and you could end up investing valuable time and resources into an event that gets forgotten about the very next day.
Not all events need to be grand marketing displays with presentations using the latest technology and celebrity guests. If you are a smaller business, inviting some key players from your industry and journalists from relevant media outlets can have a serious impact on your bottom line!
Why do people get so excited when a new iPhone is going to be launched? One reason is because the launch events become immersive experiences, being part of one feels as if you are playing a role in technological innovation. This is why millions instantly become aware of them and camp overnight outside Apple stores, to get the chance to be part of that experience.
We can learn a lot from the way that Apple plans, organises and executes its events. It does not require that much investment to put together an event that will grab your audiences attention and place your brand name firmly in their mind.
An effective launch events does not happen just the night the guests arrive but in the months leading up to it. By planning in advance and preparing the necessary materials, you can put on an event that will have people talking about your business months after and inspire people to go out and purchase your product/service.
Below we have given you some tips on how to plan and throw a successful launch event.
When and Where
When you schedule your event is a key decision that you need to make early on. Before you book a venue, hire caterers or start sending out invitations you should consider basic things like peoples work schedule, likely weather and if it clashes with any other important events. Doing so could save you money and prevent a headache further down the line.
Similarly, you will want to choose a venue that is convenient for attendees to get to. It should be easy and convenient for people to drive there and/or near public transport. This may sound simple but can you imagine booking a venue only to realise later that it would take 5 hours for any of your key clients to get there!
You always need to have your event objectives in mind. Are you doing an event to get people buying your new product? Just for some old fashioned networking? To take advantage of media opportunities and impress journalists attending? Depending on what your goals are an event can be organised very differently.
It is usually a good idea to arrive at one key objective. For example, you might want your event to raise awareness of your company, say a thank you to guests/existing customers and gain some press coverage but your overall objective would be to increase the sales of product X. From this you could plan in a lot more detail, such as making sure that product X is mentioned at the beginning and end (as well as frequently throughout) of the event.
From this you will also be able to get a better idea about which guests you should invite. For instance, if your main objective is to raise your brand awareness, you will want to invite a lot of guests from relevant media publications. If you simply want to increase sales however, you would want to invite a large number of a new and existing customers.
Make It an Experience to Remember
The best way to get people talking about your event months after it has finished is to make it an experience that they loved being a part of and give them a reason to remember it!
Simply by inviting the right people (interesting people from your industry, journalists and/or key clients) you can make it an interesting event. As attendees get talking to each other and rub shoulders they will hopefully learn something new or hear some interesting stories. Furthermore, include some talks from people from your company in which you teach attendees something new or create a discussion about a key industry topic.
Perhaps the most important part of getting people to remember the event is giving them a physical product that they will use in their day to day business. This could be anything from a promotional pen to a branded stress toy or goodie bag. Read more below about this key step.
Promotional Products
The second you start planning your next event you should be ordering promotional products. They are expected at the best launch events and give attendees a reason to remember the day or night. They should include your logo and/or contact information, further encouraging people to take action.

Make Sure the Event is Enjoyable
You need to cover the basics such as catering for your guests if the event will last a long time, ensuring there is comfortable seating and enough room for attendees and maybe even releasing an itinerary before the event so that they can turn up for the parts that will be of use to them.
Creating a pleasant atmosphere at your event should be fairly easy providing you do not cut corners or try to save money when it comes to things people demand be high quality. This is especially important for the food and seating! If they are not comfortable (or well for that matter), they probably are not going to do business with you.
Harness That Momentum
If you plan your event right, there should be a buzz and momentum in the room. People excited by what you are saying and wanting to learn more. Make sure that you harness that momentum and chase attendees up to get their opinion on the event and encourage them to take action.
Ensuring that you hand out promotional products at the event will do some of this for you. Every time they see it they will think about the event and your brand. If these are high quality and consistent with the messages expressed by your business, they will be more likely to take action.
Whilst it can seem stressful and even a bit daunting planning an event, it should be fun. If you plan everything to the best of your ability and turn up with a smile on your face, the attendees are more likely to have a good time. Let them get to see the people behind the brand and make it an experience that encourages communication with your potential customers or audience. They will pick up on your genuine vibe and be more trusting as a result!